

Infertility can be caused by various disorders which are amenable to surgical correction.
These procedures can help in the following ways – ·

  • Cure infertility

  • Improve the results of other fertility treatments

  • Prevent complications from happening in pregnancy

Sunrise Hospital has state of the art equipment and the finest surgeons to give you the best results. The following surgical procedures are routinely done here –

Hysteroscopy – this is a procedure where a tiny telescope is introduced into the inside of the uterus through the vagina and cervix.

Diagnostic hysteroscopy – is performed to evaluate the uterus for any problems which might reduce your chance of becoming pregnant.

Operative hysteroscopy – is used to correct problems inside the uterus and thus helping to increase your chances of both getting pregnant and allowing the pregnancy to continue till term. They include treatments for the following conditions

  • Septum

  • Fibroids

  • Adhesions (Ashermann’s syndrome)

Laparoscopy – involves introduction of instruments through tiny cuts to perform surgical procedures.

Diagnostic laparoscopy – is used to find the cause of infertility. This involves assessment of the uterus, tubes, ovaries and the pelvis. Any problems diagnosed during this procedure are corrected at the same sitting.

Operative laparoscopy – the various problems treated / procedures done include –

  • Myomectomy – removal of fibroids

  • Adenomyomectomy – removal of adenomyotic tissues in the uterus

  • Endometriosis – removal of endometriotic cysts, separation of adhesions and restoration of the normal pelvic anatomy

  • Ovarian cysts – removal of cysts in the ovary

  • Tubal surgeries – repair of damaged Fallopian tubes

  • Tubal re-anastomosis – reversal of sterilisation operations

  • Uterine anomalies – correction of congenital anomalies of the uterus

  • Abdominal encercelage – for women with cervical incompetence and recurrent mid trimester miscarriages
